About us
We are a volunteer-run charity supporting anyone suffering from, or affected by, dometic and family abuse.
Meet the team

Jane Gregory

Volunteer Retail Assistant

Kellie Ryan
Project Manager

Emma Darcy
Volunteer Retail Manager

Hannah Gregory-Taylor
Volunteer Manager

Sarah Crawshaw
Senior Case Manager

Lisa Barton

Lorraine Salt

Chris Boden
Our services
We support survivors by providing guidance, advocacy, safety planning and more.
Memorial Wall
The Survivor Project was founded in response to the deaths of two women in Salford.
With their deaths, Leanne and Linzi became angels who now inspire the wings of butterflies to grow and find their freedom.
This project is dedicated to them and those who have died before and since at the hands of abusers.
Here we remember some of the angels that have died due to domestic abuse in the Salford area.

Esther Arogundade, age 32
Murdered 26/06/2010 by her former partner.
Clare Wood, age 36
Murdered 02/02/2009 by her ex-boyfriend, her case led to the creation of Clare’s Law.
Katie Summers, age 24
Murdered 09/10/2009 by her ex-boyfriend.
Adam Steele, age 23
Murdered 01/01/2011 after protecting a woman from her abusive ex-boyfriend.
Jane Clough, age 26
Murdered 25/07/2010 by her ex-partner.
Linda Parker, age 51
Murdered 25/09/2017 by her former partner.
Chrissy Kendall, age 46
Murdered 27/01/2017 by her husband.
Kally Gilligan, age 15
Murdered 11/06/2007 by her ex-boyfriend.
Rania Alayed, age 25
‘Honour’ killling victim, murdered 07/06/2013 by her estranged husband.
Tia Rigg, age 12
Murdered 03/04/2010 by her uncle.

Just £5 can give a survivor the essentials they need after leaving an abusive home